DIY Wrapping Paper Ribbon

Ohh the wrapping season is upon us. Sometimes you’re in a rush, just not in the mood, lacking creative juices, or simply just ran out of matching ribbon! Well, no fear because for anyone who has ever wrapped before, you know you’re always left with those small scraps and strips of wrapping paper when you’re done. Good news, you can use those to make your own ribbon! It’s so easy and so quick and of course it looks super creative. A total win win if you ask me!

Anyways, take those scraps of paper, cut into strips, tags, whatever and curl them with scissors just like you would ribbon. Tie them together, tape them down in a festive way, or whatever else you can come up with- it’s up to you.

Happy wrapping!

xxx SSG


DIY Elf Door Sign

While I was at Hobby Lobby today, I came across the holiday section… Oh boy was I delighted! Also I was dying to craft everything and anything. Luckily I had some self control… Sort of. I decided to skip the big projects for now when I came across this cute little wooden Elf sign. It was only $4.99 (half off, a sale which I couldn’t pass up). I thought it would be a quick and fun craft to hang on the back door. I hate leaving that door empty since that’s the door most people use anyways! So I found some other fixings (also half off, yay!) and went home and got to work!

Basically, all I did was take black puff paint and write our family name on it. I found a thick, sparkly ribbon and made the bow. The jingle bells, also from HL and only $3.99 (again, half off) and the gold string to hang them only $2.99. The strings, I cut different lengths to give it some personality, and then simply hot glued the ends to the back and then covered with a small piece of heavy duty tape to ensure they were secured. Easy as pie!


Easy (and adorable) DIY MakeUp Storage

So as any girl, I Pinterest A LOT! I finally found time to craft something from my DIY board and I’m pretty excited about it! I love make up so naturally I have tonssss. I also love organization. And with that, I took some jars, the candy jar is from Hobby Lobby (only $6) and the other two are old candle jars. To make, take those candles with that tiny bit of wax left and pop ’em into the freezer. Once frozen, the wax will slip right out (you may need to crack it some depending on the shape of the jar). After that I just decorated them with some ribbon and lace I had lying around and voila! Crafty and adorable make up storage!

The tools:
Jars of your liking
Ribbon or decor of your liking
Hot glue gun (a crafty girl’s best friend)



xxx SSG