Raspberry Cheesecake Brownies

For this past Thanksgiving, I also made these simple and semi-homemade raspberry cheesecake brownies. These brownies, look so much more complicated than they really are and are soo good! Definitely a good sweet to take if you are not hosting or if you need any type of house warming gift.

What you’ll need:

  • 1 box of your favorite brownie mix (I like to use Ghirardelli dark choclate)
  • 1 cup cheesecake recipe (see below)
  • Fresh raspberries


  • 1 block regular cream cheese
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 2 large egg yolks
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla


Create brownie batter and put into pan just as you would regular brownies. Next, take the cheesecake recipe and put a few golf ball size dollops on top. Take a knife and swirl the brownie mix and cheesecake. Bake as directed on brownie package.

For the raspberries, you can either put them on before you bake, or sprinkle on top once fresh out of the oven. You can even make them a little sweeter with a light natural syrup to drizzle on top (this is my favorite way).

For the last option:

Take berries, 1/3 cup sugar and 1-2 tsp water. Mix together and let sit in the fridge while brownies cool. Drizzle on top.

There you have it, a simple, easy, delicious and impressive looking dessert!

xxx SSG

